Our History
We praise God for his work in us since 1843.
The Church of the Ascension began its journey on November 28, 1843, when a small group of concerned local Episcopalians met for the purpose of organizing a congregation in Westminster, which at the time was a small village with a population of approximately 500. In May 1844, the Diocesan Convention, held in Baltimore, voted to grant the formal organization of the “Parish of Ascension.” Fundraising began and in August 1844 ground was broken on our Stone Church. In May 1846, on Ascension Day, Church of the Ascension was consecrated.
Stone Church "Then"
This original building, now affectionately referred to as the Stone Church, exemplifies the Neo-Gothic architectural style advocated by the Ecclesiological Society in the 19th century. The Stone Church has been modified only slightly in the past 170-plus years, and is recognized as an historic property by the Maryland Historical Trust.
Worship Ministry
"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” - John:4:23
Worship Assistants
Youth and Adults are encouraged to participate in all aspects of our worship.
A Worship Assistant assists during the church service in a variety of ways:
Lector (Lessons, Psalm, and Prayers of the People)
Worship Slides
If you would like to serve in any of these roles please sign up below or contact the Parish Administrator in the Church Office.
Music Ministry
Adult Ensemble
The ensemble usually serves on the second and fourth Sunday of the month during the 10:15 am service.
The Adult Ensemble is directed by Mary Butler
Handbell Choir
Four octaves of Schulmerich Handbells and three octaves of Malmark Choir Chimes are used by the Handbell Choir. The Handbell Choir is open to individuals in 6th grade through adult.
The Handbell Choir is directed by Lynn Lyon-Vaiden
Praise Ensemble
The ensemble usually serves on the first and third Sunday of the month during the 10:15 am service.
The Praise Ensemble is directed by Donna Parker
Children's Choir
Children of all ages are welcome to sing with our Children's Choir that sings about once per month
and rehearses at noon on Sundays.
The Children's Choir is directed by Donna Parker.